SaaS for logistics
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions are indispensable in modern logistics. They reduce complexity, simplify administration and enable real-time data to be analysed. In this way, they support data-based decisions and optimise processes. Our SaaS solutions - operated in European data centres - impress with their scalability, flexibility, data security, up-to-dateness and cost efficiency. We offer an integrated end-to-end solution that seamlessly combines SaaS hosting, operational management, third-party licences and maintenance. This allows you to significantly reduce the complexity of your IT landscape and relieve the strain on your internal resources. Less effort means more time for your core business.
Artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, machine learning and sustainable optimisation models will continue to play a central role in SaaS solutions in logistics and warehouse management. Our aim is therefore to continuously develop these technologies in order to provide you with future-proof and powerful software solutions.
Cloud Solutions
Mit den Cloud-Solutions bietet die Marke addHelix webbasierte Lösungen, mit denen Sie jederzeit und von jedem Endgerät auf Ihre Logistikdaten zugreifen können. Ob Routenplanung, Verkehrsdaten oder Echtzeit-Updates – digitale Lösungen wie die von addHelix ermöglichen Ihnen schnelle und flexible Reaktionen auf tägliche Herausforderungen. Unsere webbasierten Cloud-Solutions bieten Ihnen eine intuitive Bedienung und eine einfache Integration in Ihre bestehende IT-Architektur. Profitieren Sie so von neuesten Technologien in Ihrer Logistik- und Lagerverwaltung und bleiben Sie Ihrer Konkurrenz stets einen Schritt voraus.
Data Max
We provide you with a software solution for data management that fulfils all security standards and GDPR requirements. Our servers in Austria guarantee maximum data security. With Data Max, you get a reliable basis for fact-based decisions and a significant simplification of your data management.
For small and medium-sized companies, the intelligent route planner Road combines logistical expertise with a responsive, user-friendly interface. Functions such as resource management, optimised route planning and live tracking ensure more efficient fleet management - whether for goods or passenger transport.
There are new challenges every day in the demanding world of logistics and delivery services, including heavy traffic, roadworks and geographical features such as mountain passes, multiple route stops and the planning of complex supply chains involving many stakeholders. The web-based addHelix services enable you to meet your logistics needs with route planning, geo-fencing, real-time data, map visualisation and digital data management from any device. In addition to our cloud services, with addHelix we offer a variety of other web services that make your processes more efficient.
The web service modules from addHelix are a flexible, scalable solution to save time and resources.
Integrate our services into your existing architecture!
What sets us apart is our prompt availability and many years of expertise in the logistics sector. We know what is important and our software solutions are the result of this in-depth understanding.