The German logistics expert CRAISS has been successful on the market for more than 90 years. With the corporate start-up SLYNX the family-run company has been breaking new ground since autumn 2022. The platform for regular, special and express deliveries takes centre stage. It connects partners along the supply chain and makes processes more transparent and efficient. The pioneering digital solution was implemented together with lbase.
What were the challenges at the beginning?
In many cases, time-critical direct orders are still awarded and processed manually. This results in a lack of transparency in terms of quality and prices as well as unnecessary time and costs. With "Sonderfahrt 4.0", CRAISS launched an in-house auction portal back in 2017 to organise express deliveries quickly, securely and at the best price. The company received the "WE DO DIGITAL" digital award from the German Industry and Trade Association for this project. Even this project was developed in close collaboration with lbase. Now it was time for the next stage of development.

"Our aim was to create an online transport platform for express logistics and special journeys that is easy to use and offers a good user experience. We have achieved this with SLYNX: our solution simplifies processes for everyone involved."
Valerie Boden, Head of Department at SLYNX
Why did you choose lbase as your partner?
All processes can be handled efficiently in SLYNX. All parties involved can easily access the information that is important to them via browser or app. Tracking transports via live tracking is also possible as an option. It was obvious that CRAISS relied on the expertise of lbase for the technical implementation: both companies can look back on a long-standing and trusting partnership.
The online platform was created in a development partnership between CRAISS, SLYNX and lbase. All of them contributed
partners utilise their strengths. "The existing transport management system forms the centrepiece of the application.
There are also special functions that can be quickly integrated into SLYNX thanks to our addHelix web service platform
such as a CO2 emissions calculator," explains Marcus Eiser, CEO of lbase.
Implementation of the SLYNX digital transport platform for express logistics and
Special trips
In the year 2022
- Easy access via browser or app
- Less administrative work for senders, information available live
- Optimised capacity utilisation for carriers
- New resources and more flexibility for haulage companies

How do users benefit from SLYNX?
With SLYNX, companies can plan their entire transport process online and order, track and invoice transport. Orders can be entered in less than two minutes. "The simple and digital ordering and processing of transports increases our customers' efficiency by up to 30 per cent," explains Valerie Boden. Carriers can optimise their capacity utilisation free of charge and get free vehicles on the road quickly. For haulage companies, this results in new resources and more flexible order placement.
The innovative approach has already caused a stir in the industry: in November 2022, CRAISS was awarded the "Black Lion" in the "Digital Transformation" category for SLYNX. This is the highest business award in Baden-Württemberg. The next developments are already in the starting blocks: In addition to making the platform even easier to register and use, further helpful services are planned, such as the price calculator, which provides an immediate overview of costs.

"Digitalisation plays a key role in the logistics of tomorrow and CRAISS recognised this very early on. The digital forwarding company SLYNX can justifiably be regarded as a pioneer for the
innovative digital logistics of the future."
Marcus Eiser, General Manager Business Unit lbase
SLYNX ist ein Spin-off des mittelständischen deutschen Logistikkunternehmens CRAISS Generation Logistik. Als eigenständiges Digitalunternehmen ist SLYNX Innovationslabor und -treiber für die Logistik der nächsten Generation. Die gleichnamige digitale Speditions-Plattform für Regel-, Sonder- und Expressfahrten vernetzt Partner:innen entlang der Lieferkette und erhöht Effizienz und Transparenz. Sie wurde im Jänner 2023 erfolgreich gelauncht.
More: Digitale Spedition SLYNX
About lbase and addHelix
lbase is a business unit of Axians, the technology service provider for ICT solutions in the VINCI Energies Group. The logistics software expert with two locations in Germany and Austria operates the lbase and addHelix business lines. addHelix is a web service platform for anyone who moves goods or people. The applications range from route optimisation, freight calculation and routing to CO2 calculation. With lbase, the company offers a complete solution for logistics service providers.
Our goal was to create an online transport platform for express logistics and special journeys that is easy to use and offers a good user experience. We have achieved this with SLYNX: our solution simplifies processes for everyone involved.
Valerie Boden, Head of Department at SLYNX